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About The Weight Clinic Team



Hi! I am Vanessa, the friendly face behind the scenes at “The Weight Clinic”, ensuring smooth operations and exceptional services as your dedicated secretary.



My name is Maria, and I am proudly part of the team at “The Weight Clinic”, as a physician extender and counsellor with a background in clinical nutrition.

I am passionate about empowering individuals to achieve their health goals, through the cultivation of a sustainable and realistic lifestyle.

I believe that health is a holistic journey, and my mission is to support patients in making meaningful and lasting changes that extend beyond the scale. Through education, support and encouragement, I strive to help patient’s develop positive relationships with food and their bodies, ultimately leading to improved health and wellbeing.



As a Physician Extender and counsellor, I collaborate with Dr. Kufaishi to provide comprehensive care and support to patients on their weight management journey, utilizing evidence-based strategies and treatment plans.

My background in medicine drives my commitment to excellence in patient care.

I am dedicated to promoting wellness and empowering patients to set, implement, and achieve their weight loss and health goals.